WLC Budget Letter for DGS Hearing

Dear Chairwoman Lewis-George:

As the Council reviews and decides on the FY 2025 budget, the Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs urges the Council to prioritize investing in DC’s young people. Although there have been many improvements to DC public school buildings over the years, the inequities in physical school conditions experienced by students of color and lower-income students have persisted. These poor school conditions disproportionately affect students of color and students living in poverty.  Students in Wards 4, 5, 7, and 8 are more likely to experience crumbling school infrastructure and lengthy delays in any repairs. As schools are experiencing challenges with re-engaging students in school since the pandemic, and the community is experiencing an uptick in crime, the District must prioritize investment in students’ education and send a message to young people in DC that they are valued and worthy of our investment. The Council must commit to guaranteeing all DC students can attend school buildings throughout the city that are physically safe and welcoming environments for all students, school staff and the school communities that use these buildings.   

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MacArthur Blvd DCPS High School Capacity

I, as the head of the Senior High Alliance of Parents, Principals and Educators and the convener of the Ward 4 Ed Alliance continue to make the argument that a DCPS high school at the MacArthur Blvd location should be 750 not 1000.

- The projected population of 14 to 17 year olds in Neighborhood clusters 4 and 13 is 953 by 2025[i]

- The grade level enrollment at Hardy is about 180 per grade (4 times 180 is 720)

- Students graduating from Hardy will attend the MacArthur School as well as School Without Walls, Ellington, Banneker, private schools as well as potentially some charter schools. They will not all attend MacArthur, similar to the choices available to families from middle to high school across the city.

- There are 204 out of boundary students across the grade span at Hardy. This indicates there are opportunities for students from across the city to have access[ii]

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SHAPPE letter with Added Signatures on MacArthur Rd High School

We appreciate your focus in this year’s capital budget on the DCPS neighborhood schools. Both those identified through the PACE Act as well as those with additional pressures on crowding.

The Capital budget has funding for a new high school in Ward 3 at the MacArthur site of the former Georgetown Day School. This school is planned to relieve the crowding at Jackson Reed HS which is acute. Students from Hardy MS will feed into the new school.

The PACE Act document identifies the projected capacity of the MacArthur HS as 1000, and the capital budget identifies 45m. Our request is for the capacity of this high school to be held at 750 and the budget adjusted to fit that number.

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I will address the following three questions in my written testimony:

1. Does our country need a federal program that invests in rebuilding our elementary and secondary public school buildings and grounds?

2. Is the Reopen and Rebuild America’s School Act (RRASA) the right federal program to address these issues?

3. Does the Reopen and Rebuild America’s School Act belong in a major infrastructure package with roads, highways, and bridges and other major public works sectors?

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