SBOE Testimony on HS Graduation Requirements 12-11-2024

Perhaps the biggest task coming up for you all is the work on the Graduation Requirements Revisions.

I look forward to seeing a robust engagement plan, how is this going to proceed?  Is the advisory committee for the Grad Profile the same, who is on it, will teachers, parents and others be represented how were they selected, are the meetings open? 

I served on the Advisory Committee for the last revision of the grad standards.  We wrestled a lot with which subjects might benefit from a competency-based approach which decouples the Carnegie unit and time from course completion, and for which subjects it would represent a narrowing of exposure.  We struggled with how to ensure that students would not unknowingly be closing out opportunities by their course choices to post-secondary schools they might aspire to by their junior or senior year.  We tried to assess the quality of internships and alternative experiences and how to measure that quality.  As we tried one option on, we often discovered some unintended ramifications that needed to be addressed.  I hope some of the work and recommendations from that group can be revisited with more information now. 

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